Hours & Location

Operating Hours:

Book a sales or service appointment today!


Current Hours


Open by appointment only Dec. 1st-March 1st. Click on the link above or email us at [email protected] to make an appointment today!


Shop Location:

109 Atlantic Ave
Boston, MA 02110


Directions and Parking

We highly recommend riding your bike or using public transit to get here. Since we're in the North End of Boston, parking can be tricky.

The closest subway stops are the Aquarium Station on the Blue Line or the Haymarket Station on the Green/Orange Lines.

If you do decide to drive, please note that there is no dedicated street parking at our location. There are several parking garages nearby. The most convenient are Sargents Wharf Parking at 260 Commercial St. and the Government Center Garage at 50 New Sudbury St.

If you're just dropping off or picking up your bike, we do have access to some loading zones. Please call 617.670.0637 for details.